Department of Crop sciences

Word Of the Head Department of Crop sciences

Speech of the Head of the Crop Department: Dr. Hasan Muhammed Al Harari....

Distinguished gentlemen, my colleagues, faculty members and department staff. Our students are my sons and daughters. I am pleased to be among you as the head of the department, which was established in 1978 AD as an independent department in this prestigious college. This is the edifice that we are proud to belong to. The role of this department is not limited to providing students with information, but extends to qualifying cadres with capabilities and skills that qualify them to take their role in the labor market and receive all support from those in charge of the scientific process even after their graduation, whether at the college or university level.

I welcome all visitors to the website of our department, this window through which we communicate to be a channel full of knowledge, information, news and advanced thought to become a major supporter at the college, university and ministry levels.

Believing that positions are a means to provide service, I promised myself that I will be a father and a big brother to you. Job positions are stations that pass through our lives. What remains of them is the good attitude, intimacy and brotherhood. A lot for us to work to achieve, seeking the help of God Almighty, and relying on all workers, including leaders, faculty members, and administrators, bearing in mind the entire university community, especially our dear students, as they are among the important axes of the educational process. They contribute their efforts and suggestions, which are part of the building system to get together to the top.


For the department to become distinguished in terms of education, research and society in the field of field crop production, and to enhance cooperation with various research institutions to graduate distinguished leaders to meet the needs of the surrounding community.


Contribute to achieving the college's mission in preparing distinguished graduates who are able to compete in the agricultural labor market, by providing educational and research programs that are consistent with international standards to take advantage of the available resources in a distinguished academic research environment.


1. Learn about the basic and applied sciences related to the agricultural field.

2. Preparing a distinguished graduate who is able to compete locally and regionally in the fields of specialization of the department.

3. The use of modern technology in education and scientific research.

4. Providing students with the skills to work as a team.

5. Developing students' skills by practicing laboratory and field experiments that serve the community in the fields of crop production.

6. Preparing a graduate capable of diagnosing the factors affecting the increase in crop production and how to exploit them for this purpose.

7. Training students to use classical and modern genetic methods in producing

8. Training students to deal with modern laboratory equipment.

9. Community partnership with research centers, authorities, farms, companies and factories in the department's fields of specialization.


Scientific integrity.

Integrity and transparency.

- Diversity, creativity, innovation and mastery.

-         the Preservation of the environment.


After completing the studies in the department's academic programs successfully, the graduate will be able to work:

- As a researcher in a research center.

- As an agricultural guide in the agricultural sector.

- Mills and feed companies.

. Agricultural organizations and companies.

Organizational Structure for Department of Crop sciences

Facts about Department of Crop sciences

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



