Department of Plant Protection

Word Of the Head Department of Plant Protection

The Plant Protection Department is one of the leading departments in the College of Agriculture, as it represents a house of expertise in diagnosing and controlling various agricultural pests. The department also provides technical consultations in the field of integrated management of agricultural pests to reduce their economic damage, whether for public or private sector projects. The faculty members of the department contribute to setting scientific strategies and plans, contributing to the development of the agricultural sector through scientific advice, participating in technical committees, and conducting research and scientific studies. Which may contribute to finding solutions to some of the problems and obstacles facing the agricultural sector.

The Plant Protection Department also teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of plant diseases and insect sciences. The department has also contributed to several agricultural pest control programs, such as the olive stem borer control campaign and the integrated production management and pest control program in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Center and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and participation in the alternatives program. Methyl bromide gas, in cooperation with the Environment Public Authority, under the supervision of the International Industrial Development Organization UNIDO, and participation in the emergency support campaign for the eastern regions under the supervision of the Chazvi Charity Association and the Food and Agriculture Organization during the liberation war in 2011.


The Plant Protection Department strives, with its human capabilities, to be a distinguished house of expertise in its field of specialization, and to become one of the most important and distinguished sources in education, scientific research, and community service, by providing advisory services in diagnosing and controlling agricultural pests through scientific research, and preparing scientific cadres. It specializes in keeping pace with the requirements of the labor market and graduating groups of distinguished students in the fields of plant protection. It contributes to spreading the culture of plant protection in safe ways in society and serves farmers to provide safe and healthy food for humans and farm animals.


The Plant Protection Department is among the distinguished departments that contribute to the qualification of specialists in various fields within its specialty, including diagnosis and identification of the latest technologies for pests and pathogens and methods of controlling them, through academic studies and scientific research, training courses, seminars and workshops to contribute to developing appropriate agricultural policies to meet the challenges of providing food. Locally and to consolidate the concept of sustainable development, to serve society and develop the environment.


- Innovating methods and conducting scientific experiments through graduate and undergraduate programs at the college and through participation in investment projects and research centers to combat pests and pathogens using the latest methods and means.

- Preparing cadres capable of making decisions and contributing to the management of agricultural projects in a scientific manner, and providing the appropriate climate to benefit from the available educational opportunities to help them keep pace with the labor market and its development.

- Developing scientific research activities and encouraging research and studies that contribute to serving the surrounding environment and the national economy in general and agriculture in particular.

- Holding training courses, seminars and workshops to spread the culture of plant protection, legalizing the use of pesticides, and the principle of plant health for a safe environment and community safety.

- Conduct periodic field visits to fields and greenhouses and conduct surveys that reveal areas where pests and diseases spread for the purpose of helping to combat them and stop their spread.

Organizational Structure for Department of Plant Protection

Facts about Department of Plant Protection

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



