Master in Soil Science

University of Tripoli - Department of Soil and Water



The Department of Soil and Water has awarded a master's degree, specializing in soil since 1979. The student studies several Advanced courses, for example: Soil Survey and Classification, Fertility and Fertilizers, Soil Microbiology, Soil Chemistry, Plant Nutrition, Soil Physics, Soil Conservation, applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing. To earn a master's degree, the student must pass at least 36 credit units over 6 semesters i.e., 18 compulsory units, 12 elective and supporting units, and 6 research units (Thesis Research). Holders of master's degree, specializing in soil science have the ability and efficiency in providing scientific and research consultations that serve sustainable agricultural development programs and the optimal use of agricultural lands. In addition, the holders of master’s degree, specializing in soil science, are considered qualified to be an academic staff or a researcher in one of the relevant scientific research centers.


By completion all the requirements, the graduate is able to:

1.      Apply the sustainable soil and water conservation and management methods through knowledge of the chemical، physical and biological characteristics of soil.

2.      Complete the research project on soil and land resources with an integrated solution to problems.

3.      Manage the land in sustainable manner to meet the special needs of local and regional land and environmental institutions، active organizations and educational institutions.

4.      Determine the optimal use of agricultural، marginal and desert land.

5.      Develop the strategic، managerial and technical skills they need to advance the agricultural land sector.


By completing all the requirements for success in the program, the graduate will be able to:

a. Knowledge & Understand:

A.1. Realise the scientific concepts and terminology in the field of soil.

A.2. Mention the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the factors affecting it and determine the type of soil and how to be reclaimed.

A.3. Classifies and survey the soil and prepare maps using modern technologies.

A.4. Mentions the biological properties and their relationship to soil, plant and water.

A.5. Uses different fertilizer types according to their relationship to plant growth.

B. Mental Skills:

B.1. Evaluate and Criticizes Scientific Papers.

B.2 Compare results, provide explanations and come up with recommendations.

B.3. Identifies problems and difficulties in service and productive sectors.

B.4. Reformulation of scientific reports.

B.5. Summarizes and accurately notes his observations during field visits.

C. Practical & professional skills:

C.1. Design the experiments scientifically and draw the conclusions..

C.2. Outline the plans for field research and appropriate design.

C.3. Uses the modern relevant software and employs it in a specific field.

C.4. Develops the gained knowledge using modern technologies.

C.5. Addresses scientifically the problems encountered in projects and agricultural fields.

D. Generic and transferable skills

D.1. Ability to communicate and contact relevant research centres and scientific institutions.

D.2. Ability to work in a team and rely on the individual skills.

D.3. Ability to employ the modern tools and technologies in the field of soil.

D.4. Ability to deliver panel discussions.

D.5. Uses critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Certificate Rewarded

Master's degree in  Agricultural Sciences, majoring in Soil and Water - Soil Science program

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Master`s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The applicant must have a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authority for certificate equivalency.

2. The applicant should not have been previously dismissed from a postgraduate program in any other educational institution.

3. The applicant must pass the admission  exam prepared by the scientific department .

4. The applicant must be a habitual resident of Libya when accepted to study at the faculty.

5. Priority for admission is given to teaching assistants who are candidates for postgraduate studies from universities and higher education institutions in Libya without burdening them with an entrance exam and comparison.

6. Candidates from public entities are subject to admission and preference exams, with the exception of candidates under provisions including scientific cooperation agreements approved and in force at the university and in a manner that does not contradict the provisions of the articles of this regulation.

7 . Foreign students who receive scholarships are accepted in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded between the State of Libya and other countries and regional and international organizations affiliated to it.

8. Submitting evidence of the employer's approval - with regard to workers - to devote themselves to study, partially or completely.

9. Students holding higher diplomas may be admitted to the corresponding departments, provided that they take complementary courses as a condition determined by the scientific department according to the controls set forth in this bylaw.

10. The required documents, original and approved by the competent authorities, shall be submitted to the Office of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the Faculty to conduct the admission  exam in accordance with the dates set by the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the University

Study Plan

The Master in Soil Science prepares students to qualify for Master in Soil Science. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 18 major units, 12 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW4104 Advanced Soil Chemistry 04 Compulsory +

The advanced soil chemistry course is the main course for the student to know processes that control the chemical and mineral properties of the soil and cation exchange equations, as well as knowledge of the ion exchange mechanism and its effect on the chemical properties of the soil, knowledge of land reclamation methods and thermodynamic laws

SW4304 Advanced Soil Survey and Classification 04 Compulsory +

The advanced soil survey and classification course aims to identify the different types of soils and their geographical distribution. Also, during this course, a distinction is made between the cartographic and taxonomic units of the modern American soil system. Also, the traditional and modern methods of land evaluation are identified according to different methodologies. In this course, the student will know how to use geographic information systems technology in soil mapping and its different characteristics

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW4203 Advanced Soil Fertility and Fertilization 03 Compulsory +

Advanced Soil fertility and fertilization course aims to explain the main relationships between soil and plants and their impact on soil fertility standards, and to link the physical and chemical properties of soil to obtain a fertilizer recommendation. Methods of evaluation soil fertility through the use of equations and mathematical models (Modeling) will also be discussed during this course. In this course, the student will distinguish between different types of fertilizers and methods of application them to the soil, and understanding the methods of manufacturing and mixing chemical and organic fertilizers. In addition, the nutrient management through the use of the 4Rs Nutrient Management Program will be covered.

SW4404 Advanced Soil Microbiology 04 Compulsory +

This course deals with the study of harmful and beneficial soil microorganisms and how to control them. It discusses the role played by soil microbes in decomposing dead organic matter, enriching the soil with nutrients, and regulating water movement in the soil, and improve soil texture. It also expands the student's perceptions of employing host organisms and the interactions that occur with them in increasing production and resisting pests such as fungal symbiosis and biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, both symbiotic and non-symbiotic. The course also covers the study of the most important modern molecular techniques used in the detection of soil microbes.

SW4503 Advanced Soil Physics 03 Compulsory +

This course provides an advanced understanding of the role of soil physics science and its relationship to other sciences related to soil and water management processes, and enables the student to deepen the understanding of the foundations used in the study of the physical and mechanics of soil in the field and laboratory, and to fully understand the concepts of water movement in soil and the laws that govern its movement under different conditions. Soil moisture varies, the state and processes of movement of each of the soil heat and salts and the spread of various gases within the soil profile are studied, and modern methods of conducting laboratory and field measurements of many of the physical properties of soil are identified.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW4153 Advanced Soil Minerals 03 Elective +

The advanced soil minerals course describes the different types of clay minerals, their crystalline and atomic systems, in different geographical environments. This course focuses on the dominant types of clay minerals in Libyan soils. The student also understands how to use X-rays, infrared rays, and thermal analysis in the study of different clay minerals.

SW4253 Advanced Plant Nutrition 03 Elective +

Advanced Plant Nutrition course aims to understand the difference between the meaning of soil fertility and plant nutrition. As well as understand the difference between essential and non-essential plant nutrients and their impact on the plant. Also in this course, will understand the movement of nutrients within the plant and the mechanisms of their absorption. In addition, the understanding of toxic effects of some elements on the plant will be covered.

SW4313 Advanced Soil and Water Conservation 03 Elective +

The advanced soil and water conservation course describes the importance of preserving natural resources for sustainable development. This course is concerned with identifying soil problems such as water erosion, wind erosion, and others. This course explains the ways and means of protecting the soil from erosion, and also explains the laboratory and field methods for conducting scientific research in the field of water erosion and wind erosion.

SW4453 Advanced Soil Biochemistry 03 Elective +

The soil biochemistry course integrates knowledge of soil, biochemistry and the environment. The course deals with the life processes activities of living organisms in soil especially microorganisms and plants. In addition, the study of soil organic matter, its origin and biochemical reactivities, are also included. In this course the important steps in elemental cycles and their effect on soil chemical and physical processes. the course is concerned with what the microbes are doing in soil than with precisely what they are in respect to size and shape or the ingredients of taxonomic schemes. In this context, the course is concerning soil organic matter, reactions of the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur cycles, inorganic biochemistry of soils, and the biochemistry of the plant-root rhizosphere. Specific topics are covered which are considered most important for a student of soil biochemistry to become familiar. The degradation of xenobiotics in soil investigate the relationship between the structure of a chemical and its degradation in soil and some of the ecological aspects of applying xenobiotics to soil. The production of biologically active compounds in soil such as plant hormones, allelopathic compounds, and antibiotics. The activity and survival of these compounds greatly influences the overall biochemistry of the soil. The fate of genetic material will address the sources and fate of nucleic acids in soil. Techniques to extract and probe soil DNA and RNA will be introduced. The course will focus on the rhizosphere and its influence in augmenting many important biochemical reactions as well as controlling the immediate environment in which a plant grows. Although directed primarily to the students of soil science and students of biochemistry, microbiology, forestry, horticulture, agronomy, plant pathology, organic geochemistry, and environmental science, this course may benefit others dealing with biochemical processes in soil.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW4353 Advanced Pollution of Agriculture Environment 03 Elective +

In the agricultural environmental pollution course, the causes and effects of environmental pollution that result from modern agricultural practices are studied. Where this pollution leads to the deterioration of the ecosystem and the land. The agricultural pollution process stems from the many stages it goes through. The student will be introduced to the agricultural environment as part of the biosystem, and to assess the environmental impact caused by agricultural activity, the concept of sustainability and its relationship to overcoming pollution of the agricultural environment.

SW4414 Advanced Ecology of Soil Bacteria 03 Elective +

This course deals with the diversity of bacteria in the soil environment and the physiological variation of soil bacteria in terms of metabolism, acquisition of energy and resources, growth and reproduction. It also deals with evolution in the context of microbial ecology and in the soil environment as a medium for microbial growth and stress tolerance, also the living of microbes in harsh environments and interactions between different microbes in the soil and microbial interactions with other organisms and sending signals between soil organisms. As well as, the role that different types of bacteria play in biogeochemical cycles and the response of soil bacteria to disturbance. The course also covers some important environmental phenomena that affect or are affected by other environments outside the soil environment, such as the impact of climate change on processes mediated by soil bacteria, applications of soil microbiome ecology and its relationship to the human microbiome, and modeling of microbial processes.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW4903 Advanced Topics 03 Compulsory +

The advanced topics course describes the basic concepts in research and writing articles and scientific reports. This course also deals with teaching the student how to write scientific reports and articles. Through this course, the student chooses the scientific topics related to his research of study. The student also learns how to analyze and compare scientific papers and sources to enhance his research capabilities.

SW4971 Seminar 01 Compulsory +

The seminar course is concerned with preparing the student's research plan, as well as teaching the student how to present his own research in a convincing way to listeners from different disciplines. The student also learns how to write a research proposal in an accurate scientific manner. One of the objectives of this course is also for the student to highlight the skills required to discuss reviewers and critics and how to prepare scientific response reports.

SW4973 Advanced Remote Sensing 03 Elective +

This course is concerned with identifying the concept of remote sensing techniques and their applications in the field of land resources. This course introduces the different sources of information for remote sensing technology, which include aerial photographs and satellite images. This course is also concerned with explaining the operations used in the processing of satellite visuals, which include geometric correction, subtraction, processing, optimization, visual analysis, and unsupervised and supervised classification. The student learns how to use some of the software used in remote sensing techniques, such as: ERDAS IMAGINE or ENVI, in the study of land resources (soil - water - vegetation and land cover).

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
SW4996 Thesis 06 Compulsory +

This course is concerned with enabling the student to choose the subject of study. The student also learns the stages of research for the subject of his study. The student also learns how to present the chosen research problem and find solutions and proposals for it.