Bachelor in Translation

University of Tripoli - Department of Translation



The world looks with great respect and appreciation to all students of translation, as it is one of the unique disciplines that has succeeded in achieving perfect linkage and communication between all countries and peoples of the world. In a world that speaks more than seven thousand languages, It was never easy for understanding to happen without translation, which was and still is the perfect bridge to achieve communication and introduce the world to millions of civilizations and cultures, Hence, it was logical that the translation major should be among the most unique majors in the labor market. 

The Bachelor's degree program in Translation and Arabization at the Faculty of Languages - University of Tripoli provides the necessary educational foundation and experience for students who aspire to be professional and qualified translators. The program provides theoretical and practical subjects, in addition to field training in translation and interpretation, students get (222 accreditation training hours).

The program consists of courses that enhance basic language skills in both English and Arabic, in addition to different translation analysis methods at phonetic, morphological, grammatical, semantic and rhetorical levels. The program offers courses in proofreading and specialized types of translation such as journalistic, administrative, economic, medical, literary, philosophical, religious and technical translations. The program also keeps pace with the latest technologies in the field of translation by including courses on computer skills in translation, translation memory programs such as Trados and CatTools, as well as interpretation,  dubbing and subtitling. Graduates of the specialization can work in teaching jobs, translation and interpretation, media, public relations, journalism, and government and private institutions.


  • Provide students with basic knowledge of translation from English into Arabic into English.
  • Refining language usage skills, speaking and writing in both English and Arabic, and directing them towards the skill of transferring between them.
  • Providing students with the skills of interaction with others, dialogue and advice, and employing them in the field of specialization.
  • To be familiar with the actual practices in the field of translation and editing, rhetorically and critically.


  • Knowledge of basic facts and specialized terminology in translation studies.
  • Familiarity with the basic principles and theories of translation studies and the basic theories and methodologies of scientific research methods in the field of specialization.
  • Apply the basic theories and principles in the practice of translation from and into English.
  • The ability to practice translation skills and apply scientific research methodology to them.
  • Ability to critically analyze source text Logical reasoning.
  • The ability to comprehend, express and taste the specialized language
  • Self-reliance in searching for information.
  • The ability to summarize texts and write scientific reports.
  • The graduate’s practice of the acquired knowledge and skills in translation studies.
  • The ability to analyze and evaluate information.
  • The ability to use modern technologies, including computers and the network.
  • The ability to carry out research and write scientific reports.
  • Use and benefit from information technology.
  • The ability to contribute to teamwork through teams and groups.
  • Application of the scientific method in scientific life.
  • Ability to work well organized and present.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in Translation and Arabization

Entry Reuirements

  • Obtaining a secondary school completion certificate with at least a good grade
  • Passing the selection test among students applying to study in the department from those enrolled in the college
  • Passing a differentiation test in the skills of using the Arabic language, reading and writing
  • Safety from congenital disabilities that hinder the safety of speech and speech

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Translation prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Translation. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 123 units, which include 8 units of general subjects, and 100 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARTR100 Arabic Language 1 02 General +

ICITR100 Islamic Culture 02 General +

TR100 1 Foreign Language 02 General +

TR103 Grammar 1 02 Compulsory +

TR104 Comprehension 1 02 Compulsory +

TR105 Writing 1 02 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARTR200 Arabic Language 2 02 General +

TR200 02 General +

TR116 Phonetics 2 02 Compulsory +

This course introduces the phonetics of Modern English. After introducing Phonetics, its branches, importance and applications, there will be a brief introduction to the organs of speech and the vocal tract. After that students should learn how sounds of English are produced and how they are described and classified. The material will also include phonemic transcription as well as the syllable structure.

TR115 Writing 2 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to teach students certain writing techniques required for writing. It is divided into different topics including writing paragraphs and letters. Writing topic sentences, brainstorming, gathering ideas, organizing, drafting, revising and editing skills will be exercised.

TR114 Comprehension 2 02 Compulsory +

The course is intended to develop the student's skills in reading and comprehending various passages. In addition to introducing students to both formal and informal texts.

TR113 Grammar 2 02 Compulsory +

This course focuses on the identification of the grammatical rules, their meaning, and usage in practical life. The studied topics are discussed in detail inside the classroom and are followed by a set of practice exercises to ensure students' understanding of the rules and to clarify cases of confusion if there are any.

TR112 Principles and History of Translation 02 Compulsory +

The course aims at introducing students to the field of translation as a craft and an area of research. This introduction provides students with the basic concepts of translation as a process and as a product. Students should also be provided with linguistic concepts related to translation as well as concepts from other related disciplines. The course also introduces students to the links between translation and other components such as culture, terminology and lexicography.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR204 Diction and Elocution 02 Compulsory +

This course emphasizes students' proper usage of oral presentation skills, whereby they are required to talk about topics relating to their practical life. They discuss a variety of topics from different perspectives inside the classroom and learn to be tolerant with others' views.

TR205 Introduction to literature 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce students to the history of literature ( the origin of the word literature). In addition to the significance of literature and why people read literature. The students are also introduced to the main types of literature ( drama, poetry, prose) and their subgenres .. The course also sheds light on poetic devices or figures of speech such as simile, irony, hyperbole and metonymy.

TR206 Grammatical Structure 02 Compulsory TR113 +

This course is a helpful guide to EFL students, and Translation students, in particular. It attempts to acquaint them with different structures such as adjective Clauses & participial Phrases, and Noun Clauses & Gerund Phrases. It also gives focus on the relationship between different structures such as between Adjective Clauses and Participial Phrases, Noun Clauses & Gerund Phrases, and how they function and what meaning they carry. It refers to the issue of punctuation, in particular the use and absence of commas in Adjective Clauses and Participial Phrases, and how this affects strongly the meaning carried by such structures.

TR300 02 General +

TR203 Introduction to Linguistics 02 Compulsory +

This course introduces students to the basic principles of linguistics as a perquisite in the process of language teaching and learning.

TR202 Translation methodology 02 Compulsory TR112 +

It enables the student to know the methodology of translation. In this course, the student knows the definition of language and the translation science. And then, the student will study translation methodology of translation and how to analyze the texts. After six lectures at least, the student will practice the translation of different texts using the methods which he has studied.

ARTR300 Arabic Language 3 02 Compulsory ARTR200 +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARTR400 Arabic Language 4 02 General ARTR300 +

TR212 Journalistic translation 04 Compulsory TR202 +

This course aims to introduce the students the difference between journalistic translation and translation in general, the focus in this course is on using the appropriate strategy of translating journalistic texts from English to Arabic and vice-versa. This course also aims to develop building vocabularies that help students improve their translational skills. This course deals with different texts including political, economical, social and sports texts.

TR213 Semantics 02 Compulsory TR203 +

This course is a helpful guide to translation students. It attempts to acquaint them with basic issues related to meaning and changes of meaning according to changes of context and discourse, and translators' role in dealing with such alterations in meaning accordingly in the process of translation. This course gives focus on the semantic classification of words in English language and how translators and interpreters deploy these classification in translation activities

TR214 Presentation Skills 02 Compulsory TR204 +

This course is so helpful to Translation students as they need to discuss their graduation projects in public. It attempts to provide some valuable information related to presenting in public as how to start your presentation, how to attract audience, how to simplify, how to conclude, and so forth. The most important thing this subject provides is how to gain you confidence while speaking in public.

TR215 English literature 02 Compulsory TR205 +

This course aims to make students understand some pieces of literature. The course covers the following literary genres: poetry, drama, and novels

TR400 02 General +

TR304 Translation theories 1 02 Compulsory TR202 +

It enables the student to know the theories of translation. In this course, the student knows Translation science, Translation machine. And then the student will have an idea about the translation as communication across cultures. After six lectures at least, the student will study the translation theories 'kinds and names'.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR302 Translating Political and diplomatic Texts 04 Compulsory TR202 +

Students will be introduced to the concept and types of diplomatic translation. They deal with the fact that diplomatic translation takes place in diplomatic missions, embassies or consulates, and that certain aspects of this type of translation can be linked to those carried out within international bodies, in terms of the type of translated texts and existing customs. Students also know that diplomatic translation has its own characteristics and rules.Students are trained on how to develop the skills and strategies to carry out appropriate political translation and to be able to translate political and diplomatic written texts from English into Arabic and vice versa.

TR314 Translation Theory 2 02 Compulsory TR304 +

This course provides students with basic concepts of translation as a process and as a product. It also introduces students to linguistic concepts related to translation as well as concepts from other related disciplines. The course also introduces students to other related disciplines such as culture and terminology. The course provides a brief overview of the most important modern and ancient theories in translation studies.

TR307 Use of Resources 02 Compulsory +

The course provides an introduction to the nature of translation tools including: their features, principles and position in the translation process and the criteria for their evaluation.

TR306 Translation and World Literature 02 Compulsory +

This course is meant to provide and general overview of the main concepts of world literature. Through lectures and presentations, students are expected to learn the purpose, meaning of world literature and its relationship to translation. The main aim of the course is to strengthen the student’s capacity of analyzing and comparing two or more different works of literature of the most famous writers. If focuses on the study of literature from different cultures, nations, and genres, and explores relationships between literature and other forms of cultural expression.

TR305 Creative writing 02 Compulsory TR115 +

This course is designed to help students to express their ideas in a creative way. Mainly, this course’s focus is on the skill of writing itself. However, it will also have a theoretical part. Student will be given explanation about basic elements that contribute on making an outstanding piece of writing. Students will read and discuss samples of various genres of the craft of writing and will create their own piece of writing for each of the topics that will be covered in this course.

TR303 Comparative linguistics 02 Compulsory TR213 +

Comparative Linguistics, in general, studies the relationship or correspondences between two or more languages at any level, sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence level. The course of this semester includes a number of sentence structures in E & A. They are presented in a comparative way with the aim of highlighting the similarities and differences between them.

ARTR500 Arabic Language 5 02 General ARTR400 +

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ARTR600 Arabic Language 6 02 General ARTR500 +

TR406 Research Methodology 02 Compulsory TR307 +

This course attempts to acquaint the students with the different parts of a research paper.It also provides information about each part, and how it should be written. It provides real examples to be considered by the students as a practical part of the course.

TR317 Translation and International Organizations 02 Compulsory TR202 +

The course is basically a blend of theoretical and practical induction, where students get the opportunity to learn about the functionality of these organizations and practice the translation of materials related to their work. The structure and composition of various organizations were presented in the form of relatively short paragraphs and then analyzed in details to be eventually translated and further clarified. The main goal is to expose the students to the type of language and documents used and circulated among such organizations, and to try to get them familiarized with the work of these institutions.

TR316 Varieties of English 02 Compulsory +

The course attempts to make the term ‘varieties of English’ easy to follow and understand by shedding light on the term from two main perspectives: varieties according to geographical areas ( national and regional) and situational varieties ( written, spoken, formal, informal, polite, familiar, literary, scientific, legal, etc. )

TR313 Comparative literature 02 Compulsory TR215 +

This course is meant to provide and general overview of the main concepts of comparative literature. Through lectures and presentations, students are expected to learn the purpose, meaning, types and schools of comparative literature. The main aim of the course is to strengthen the student’s capacity of analyzing and comparing two or more different works of literature. If focuses on the study of literature from different cultures, nations, and genres, and explores relationships between literature and other forms of cultural expression

TR312 Translating Economic and Administrative Texts 04 Compulsory TR202 +

The course aims to provide students with the techniques and tricks used in translating administrative texts. In addition to introducing the norms of administrative and economic cultural agreements in both English and Arabic, students are also introduced to administrative and economic terminology.This course also aims to study practical issues related to advanced translation in the fields of economics and management including economic, banking, trade, import and export, taxation and customs . Students will have the opportunity to learn and share with each other useful translation procedures and terminology related to the field. Students increase their awareness of translation techniques and improve their professional performance.

TR315 Consecutive Interpreting 02 Compulsory TR404 +

This course is an introduction to interpreting practice in general. It introduces types of interpreting with a special focus on consecutive interpreting. This course is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part presents consecutive in more details such as the history of interpreting and using technology, as well as, concentrating on its techniques, such as note-taking technique, how to take it? when to start taking notes? and what to note? .The practical part, on the other hand, deals with showing students how to start interpreting then Students, have to practice doing this, i.e. they have to work with their colloquies pair work and individually training on some discourses in different fields of interpreting.

TR216 Translation and terminology 02 Compulsory ARTR600 +

1- This course aims to introduce the field of terminological studies to the students of the Department of Translation as a field of knowledge independent of language studies in general, and also because it includes practical applications for formulating terminology, which is an integral part of the translator's work. 2- It aims to educate students about ways of formulating terminology in Arabic and English. 3- It also aims to educate students about the applications of specialized dictionaries and how to build databases.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR407 Arabization and Orientalism 02 Compulsory +

This course is so helpful and relevant to Translation students. It attempts to provide some valuable information related to Arabization& Orientalism, such as the definitions of these two concepts, their effects, Orientalism from Edward’s point of view, and some real examples of ‘Arabization’ & ‘Orientalism’.

TR417 Research Methods for Translation Studies 02 Compulsory TR406 +

In most academic courses, students are asked and instructed to write research papers. Such exercise is meant to subject students to genuine learning situations. This exercise will enable them to illustrate understanding and to show their knowledge and skills in writing, structuring and organizing ideas in the form of research. This course is meant to provide students with research and bibliographical skills specific to the discipline of translation studies. The course covers both theoretical and practical issues related to research methods in translation studies

TR408 Translation and Lexicography 02 Compulsory +

This course intends to introduce to students of translation studies the field of LEXICOGRAPHY or the study of dictionary making. The dictionary is not only an essential reference for the translator, but also used by almost everybody at home, at schools, in law courts, at the parliament and referred to by cross word puzzle addicts and scrabble players alike. The course intends also to familiarize trainee translators with the concepts and theoretical principles as well as practical aspects of lexicographical industry and more specifically to use dictionaries successfully. Besides, it provides a brief history of lexicography, Illustrates the types and functions of dictionaries, and the ways

TR405 Machine Translation 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce students to the latest computer tools and translation software. In this course, the focus is on three main topics: Corpus Generation, and website localization. The course also aims to introduce students to the theories of computer-based language teaching and different education technologies in general and to train students to deal with other technologies, whether computers or display devices. Or distance education media, and practically use them in teaching and learning languages. It introduces the concept of machine translation to students. Highlight the need for machine translation. It also discusses the achievements made in this field of translation studies.

TR404 Audio-visual Translation I (Dubbing) 02 Compulsory +

    This Course provides an overview of audiovisual translation: its definition, characteristics and advantages. It also focuses on the types of AVT, how each type differs, and what it is used for. The course introduces students to the tracks of audiovisual translation, especially some aspects that require working with other technical, artistic or media fields. The course deals with audiovisual translation in its general international framework as well as in its local framework by discussing, presenting and evaluating the general situation of audiovisual translation in the Arab world and presenting comparisons with some countries in terms of production and tendencies. Among the theoretical topics offered by the course are cost, quality, availability of technical and representative staff, speed of completion, preference for the public, and profits for producing companies. Further, the course focuses on some linguistic features that the viewer cannot obtain from the sound effect, the loss of some interactive texts, interpenetration of cultures, and how to translate cultural elements and vocabulary.    The practical part of the dubbing course, which is a branch of audiovisual translation, provides tools and software that the translator or production company can use. These programs and tools include Voice Recording, Audio Editing and Syncing, Movie Edit Pro, Audacity, Wavepad Audio Editing software, and other software that helps students. The course is flexible in terms of using such applications/software because they are on constant development. The course obliges students to work on dubbing video clips individually or in groups, to present them, discuss difficulties and technical problems, and offer suggested solutions.

TR403 History of Libya 02 Compulsory TR317 +

This course aims to introduce the students to different aspects of the history of Libya, it connects the students with the history of their country. The course, also reviews the political and economic history. It shows the circumstances of establishing Libya and the relation between Libya and the Ottoman Rule. Italian colonization of Libya is also reviewed in this course.

TR402 Translating Religious & Philosophical Texts 04 Compulsory TR202 +

This course aims to create professionalism in translation; understand similarities and differences in self-expression among writers of religious English and Arabic texts; and apply diverse styles of communication suitable for this genre.

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
TR412 Translating Medical Texts 04 Compulsory TR202 +

This course will present the examples of the variety of theoretical approaches which have been practiced and developed within medical translation and of the solution driven mind of a translator in a specialized field to determine the best approach dependent on the target audience and identify key medical documents; understand their role and specific terminology

TR413 Geography of Libya 02 Compulsory TR403 +

This course is an introduction to acquaint the student with the Libyan geographical features in general and provide them with information about the nature of Libya's geography, in addition to providing students with topics related to the translator's work as tour guide, as well as, providing the student with geographical facts about Libya, which they needed to know about the nature of the country in general. All in all aims to prepare students as a translator in terms of understanding the texts that need to be addressed and in terms of the availability of information to answer the questions of the foreign tourist. This course is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. As for the theoretical part, it presents geographical information such as the name of Libya, how it originated and how the name of the country developed, the geographical topography of Libya, a description and analysis of the climatic elements , and introduce them to water resources in Libya. soil types , crops and their geographical division, geographical distribution and graphics. distribution of population and population density. On the other hand, the practical part is focused on preparing introductory content for one of the ancient or modern tourist places as a landmark of the Libyan state, and presenting the content with accurate translation, or by placing subtitling in both Arabic and English

TR414 Audio-visual Translation 2 (Subtitling) 02 Compulsory TR404 +

This Course introduces some concepts related to audiovisual translation and its types, with special focus on subtitling. It also introduces concepts of rendering audio content into written one. The course also presents the most important advantages of subtitling and its differences with dubbing and other types of audiovisual translation. The course discusses technical limitations such as space and time on screen, as well as cultural, social and linguistic limitations.The course provides knowledge about cost, quality, speed, completion, audience preference, and profits for producing companies of such audiovisual products. The linguistic aspect of the course focuses on some of the linguistic features that the viewer can obtain from the intensity of the voice and the interaction. The course also discusses the interpenetration of cultures and how to translate cultural elements and vocabulary. The practical part of the course provides tools and software that can be used by the translator or the production company. Among these programs and tools are Subtitle Edit, Adobe Premiere Pro, Subtitle Workshop, Jubler Subtitle Editor, Pop Subtitle Editor, Aura Video Editor and other programs that help students. The course is flexible in terms of using subtitling applications and software because they areon constant development. The course obliges students to work individually or in groups of two or three tosubtitle video clips, and then present them, discuss difficulties and technical problems with the class, and offeringsuggested solutions.

TR415 Translation and CAT tools 02 Compulsory +

This course aims to introduce students to the latest computer tools and translation software. Providing practical applications of terminology, including building and managing terminology databases. The focus in this course is on three main topics: Corpus generation, website localization, and building databases. The course also aims to acquaint students with the theories of computer-based language teaching and various educational technologies in general, and to train students to deal with different technologies, whether computers or projectors, or distance education media, and making practical use of them in teaching and learning languages.

TR416 Cultural Studies 02 Compulsory ARTR600 +

This course is intended to expose students to a wide range of terminology of intercultural communication. Mainly, the course focuses on the socioculture of the English speaking world as a foreign culture. The course also focuses on the differences between Arab culture and the foreign. It aims to train students on how to appreciate , understand and tolerate differences between the two cultures on focus.

TR418 Graduation project 02 Compulsory TR417 +

This course is a culmination of all learnt skill along their graduate studies and it intends to introduce student to their first hand research experience The course is based on its prerequisite “research Methodology” and the students will be guided by a supervisor to put their knowledge of research methods into practice..