PhD in Librarianship and libraries information

University of Tripoli - Department of Library and Information



In  PhD OF Librarianship and libraries information program  student studies a set of courses in the field of specialization. Also  the applicant must produce a  PhD thesis in Librarianship and libraries information.  To contribute to addressing some of the problems and issues in the field of library and information science.


1.Enriching the Arab library and developing scientific research through research and scientific studies specialized in library and information science and other related fields.

2.Preparing specialized researchers who are able to prepare scientific studies that contribute to solving issues and problems faced by society in its various institutions in the field of libraries, information and other related fields such as publishing and media institutions and others.

3.Contribute to developing the efficiency of qualified specialists working in library departments and information institutions and planning for the advancement of the field.

4.Formation of specialized faculty members with high efficiency and ability to enable them to perform their role in qualifying in the specialization and contribute to the success of the educational process in the library and information departments in Libyan universities.

5.Providing scientific consultations in the field of libraries, information and cultural and social institutions to serve the community in a manner that serves the various development plans.


1. Acquisition of language skills such as specialized terminology in both Arabic and English

2. Acquiring the skill of creative thinking and using it in the management, organization, availability and marketing of information institutions.

3. The student acquires the ability to objectively analyze information sources through their substantive relationships that link them with the study of bibliometric laws.

4. Acquire the skills of using information technology tools, communications and networks

Certificate Rewarded

PhD degree in Librarianship and libraries information sciences

Entry Reuirements

1. The student must have a master's degree in libraries and information, provided that the student submits an original copy of his previous qualifications.

2 . Bringing the approval of the employer for full-time or part-time workers. Students are accepted according to the priority of their estimates in the first master's degree, with the exception of foreign students who have scholarships.

3 . The student must pass an admission exam (written or oral) to ensure his ability to continue studying at this stage. Excluded from this are foreign students who have scholarships in implementation of the agreements concluded between Libya and other countries.

4 . The concerned department evaluates the equivalence of the courses studied by the student at a recognized university with other courses in the department, provided that their number and number of units does not exceed half the number of courses or units required to obtain the license applied for.

Study Plan

The PhD in Librarianship and libraries information prepares students to qualify for PhD in Librarianship and libraries information. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 24 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
LIB501 Recent trends in library and information studies 03 Compulsory +

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
611 م. م. ع Marketing information services 03 Compulsory +

612 م. م. ع 03 Compulsory +

613 م. م. ع 03 Compulsory +

615 م. م. ع 03 Compulsory +

616 م. م. ع Operations Research 03 Compulsory +

617 م. م. ع Panel discussion on advanced topics 03 Compulsory +

618 م. م. ع Deneficiary studies 03 Compulsory +

619 م. م. ع Information legislation 03 Compulsory +