Department of English Language

Word Of the Head Department of English Language

We are pleased to welcome and thank everyone who browsed this directory of the English language program at the Faculty of Education, Janzour, one of the faculties of the University of Tripoli.

  As you know, brothers and sisters, the English language has become an indispensable requirement in all branches of knowledge and the labor market. Therefore, the English Language Program has been keen, since its inception, to provide opportunities for its students to be properly established in an academic and scientific atmosphere that lives up to their expectations and achieves their aspirations in line with the objectives of  The college is in community service by graduating qualified teachers in teaching English.

 The program has a constellation of distinguished faculty members and researchers with diverse experiences, and they are keen to transfer knowledge to our male and female students towards a knowledge economy that keeps pace with the strategic goals of the College of Education in particular and the university in general, as the English Language Program seeks to develop its educational curricula to keep pace with developments and the latest developments in all fields.  The English language and its teaching methods, as well as the periodic review of his teaching courses in order to achieve the highest quality standards in this specialization.

 In conclusion, we thank and appreciate everyone who contributed to the design and development of this guide, and we welcome everyone who joins this program, whether they are esteemed professors or dear students, hoping that they will find their way in making the English language program achieve their ambitions and goals.


English Language Department looks forward to being uppermost in preparing the specialized teacher in teaching the four language skills for the pre-university stages in scientific research to meet the society needs and the work market


Preparing qualified teachers in teaching English language for primary, elementary and secondary schools, providing them with knowledge, skills and the required values to achieve the effective learning, influential communication contact and to encourage them to collaborate in scientific research and society service.s.


1- Preparing an English teacher educationally & scientifically, supporting him/ her to be competent in different language stages and in educational and scientific researches.

2- Developing the students’ skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation in English language as well.

3- Informing the students with language sciences bases and its applications in teaching English language.

4- Improving the students’ abilities in analyzing, criticizing and creativity in translation fields, literature and English culture.

5- Qualifying the students to use technology, updating means in learning and teaching English language.

6- Stimulating the students to catch up with the latest developments in their major and to improve their profession.

7- Encouraging the students to participate in society service activities related to learn & teach English language.

Organizational Structure for Department of English Language

Facts about Department of English Language

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



