Delivery and Receipt Ceremony of Studies and Examination Department

In the presence of the committee members:

Chair of the Committee:

Dr. Fahima Bennour

Committee Members:

Dr. Mohamed Toumi, 

Mr. Mohamed Arnaouti

The delivery and receipt ceremony of  studies and examination department at the college took place between Dr. Rabia Owaidan, the former president, and Dr. Abdulraouf Aqila, the current president.

The college administration extends its sincere thanks and  appreciation to Dr. Rabia Owaidan for all her efforts in the department, and her dedication and commitment to work . She performed her duties to the fullest. The administration commends all her efforts in advancing the department, achieving its vision, mission, and goals, and providing assistance to all academic departments in the college . May Allah bless all her efforts and grant her success in her academic and educational journey.

We also ask Allah to grant Dr. Abdulraouf Aqila success in completing his work in the department, continuing to achieve its goals, and having a blessed beginning. May Allah help him to perform all  tasks assigned to him and to carry out  all his responsibilities towards the department and the college.

 May Allah grant him continuous success in improving the educational process forward and towards the best.

