Bachelor in Mobile Computing

Faculty of Information Technology - Department of Mobile Computing



Mobile computing is one of the most recent majors in the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Tripoli, and one of the latest trends in information technology based on the rapid development of mobile phone devices and cloud computing.


  • study plan prepared at the latest scientific and academic levels in keeping with the continuous modernity in the most prestigious universities in the world.
  • Qualifying and preparing graduates capable of developing integrated applications.
  • The department strives to achieve local and international academic quality standards.
  • An outstanding learning experience for students in the field of mobile computing by balancing theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
  • Using modern and diverse teaching methods, means, and methods that increase the student's abilities to think, analyze and create in the field of mobile computing.
  • A specialized academic staff in the department works to raise the level of education and improve its outcomes.
  • Consultations, research and modern scientific theoretical and practical studies in the field of mobile computing.


  • Mobile software design and development.
  • Developing and building electronic commerce systems.
  • Analyze, design and implement various applications on the Internet using mobile devices.
  • Building, developing and protecting distributed and cloud systems.
  • Managing software projects and contributing to their development.
  • Designing, developing and building information systems and managing various databases.
  • Technical support services and design of systems that interact with the cloud.
  • Work in the mobile and wireless sector.

Certificate Rewarded

Bachelor's degree in mobile computing

Entry Reuirements

To join the department, the student must have successfully passed the object-oriented programming course. Students of the Mobile Computing Department study (55) credits from the department's requirements courses and (5) elective courses.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Mobile Computing prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Mobile Computing. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 135 units, which include 60 units of general subjects, and 40 major units, 15 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITAR111 Arabic language 1 02 Compulsory +

Introduction: the importance of studying Arabic, the need for mastering Arabic, the importance of Arabic in nationalistic, religious, civilization and cultural frames, the role of civilization in effacing Arabic, some grammatical rules: words, sentence structures, verbal sentences, some dictation rules, looking up words.

ITEL111 General English1 02 Compulsory +

Nouns (types, function, derivations), adjectives (types, sequence, derivations) adverbs (forms, position), use and forms of the ultimate tense, interrogative formations, negative of verbs. Passive constructions (forms, usages), adjective clauses (recognition and types, case of relative pronoun), gerund phrases, infinitive phrases, listening comprehension.

ITPH111 Physics 03 Compulsory +

Current and voltage: resistance and resistivity, Ohm's law, Power, energy, series and parallel resistance cuircuits, Kirchoff's laws. Waveforms: sinusovoltage: resistance and resistivity, Ohm's law, Power, energy, series and parallel resistance cuircuits, Kirchoff's laws.Waveforms: sinusoidal AC voltage and current, inductance, phase relations and elements of phasor, digital waveforms, digital timing (clock signals, jitter, drift, skew, hysteresis.Semiconductor diodes: semiconductor materials, extrinsic materials (n-type & p-type, energy levels, diode notation, diode equivalent circuits, transition and diffusion capacitance, reverse recovery time, zener diode and LEDs.Diode applications: load line analysis, diode approximation, series diode configurations, parallel and series-parallel configuration, AND/OR gates, half-wave rectification, full-wave rectification, clippers, clampers, voltage multiplier circuits

ITGS111 Intro to Information Technology 03 Compulsory +

The course introduces modern management techniques that are used for the marketing, selling, and distribution of goods and services through the Internet. Topics include: E-business Strategy, Business Models in the new world, Cyber-services, E-business relationships, E-business technology, E-Marketing and e-payment, Antecedents and barriers to e-commerce, Business Process Management, Case studies with LAB work.

ITGS113 Problem solving Technic 03 Compulsory +

This course introduces the student to different heuristic techniques that aid programmers and computer scientists in solving problems. The course uses classical math and word problems for generating potential solutions to ''real-life'' problems encountered in the profession, and problem solving in teams. Topics covered include: Errors in reasoning; verbal reasoning; analogy problems; heuristics; mathematical word problems; analysis of trends; lateral thinking; deductive and hypothetical reasoning; computational problem solving; problem solving in-the-large; generating, implementing, and evaluating solutions; discrete mathematics, statistics; interpersonal problem solving.

ITMM111 Mathematics I 03 Compulsory +

This course provides students with basic concepts of real functions in a single variable, and concepts of ends and continuity. It also addresses the rules of differentiation. This course aims to develop the student's ability to determine the types of real, compulsory and non-compulsory functions, to chart them, to determine the scope, extent and reverse functions of them, to determine the existence of the end, as well as to know the continuity of the functions and to determine whether they are derivable. The course also aims to enhance students' skills in drawing curves using preferential concepts and demonstrations, through scheduled training and the diversity of evaluation methods. The rapporteur focuses on understanding real functions in a single and derivative variable and its applications that help him to understand the behaviour of multiple functions in his future study.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITAR122 Arabic language 2 02 Compulsory ITAR111 +

Some grammar rules, nominal sentences (starters, predicates and comparing them, abrogatives), addition, numbers and specifiers, appositives, some dictation rules, dictionaries, scientific and literary styles and their application.

ITMM122 Mathematics II 03 Compulsory ITMM111 +

Vector Calculus: Vector Function. Derivative of a Vector function. Gradient of a scalar function. Divergence and curl of vector functions. Directional derivative and calculation of pressure, Kinetic interpretation of energy.Linear Algebra: integral of matrices. Addition and multiplication of matrices. Inverse of square matrix. Orthogonal, Hermition and Unitary matrices. Properties of determinants and expansion of the determinants. Solution of nonhomogeneous linear equations by Cramer’s rule. Elementary operations. Echelons and reduced echelon forms. Rank of a matrix. Equivalent matrices. Gauss-Jordan elimination method. System linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations vector spaces. Subspaces. Linear dependence and independence Span, Basis and Dimension. Eigen value problems Eigen vectors. Cayley - Hamilton theorem.

ITEL122 General English2 02 Compulsory ITEL111 +

Introduction and augmentation of specialized vocabulary and aspects of scientific technical English used in the different departments of engineering. Listening comprehension

ITGS122 Introduction to Programming 03 Compulsory ITGS113 +

An introduction to computing and program development in the C programming language. This includes a brief introduction to basic computer concepts, an understanding of the operating system sufficient for writing program. introduction to computer programming; Getting started in C programming: introduction to basic program syntax; Printing messages, data types and declarations, numeric and character data, expressions, printing results, and variables; Processing and interactive input: assignments, counting, and input and output of data; C's conditional statements; C's looping statements; Modularity using functions: user--defined functions, parameters and return values, standard library functions, scope, call--by--reference; More modularity using functions: scope, storage class, and call--by--reference; Arrays: single and two dimensional arrays, initializers, array parameters; Character strings: processing strings using loops, some character and string library functions; Structures: structure concepts, structures as parameters, arrays of structures; Additional or miscellaneous topics other material as time permits.

ITGS124 System Analysis and Design 03 Compulsory ITGS113 +

This course provides a methodical approach to developing computer systems including feasibility study, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation and software maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems. The course includes the Waterfall model (The System Development Life Cycle), system analysis and design techniques (Process Modeling (DFDs), Logical Modeling (decision tree, decision table, structured English), Data Modeling (ERD Diagrams), Object Oriented Modeling (UML use cases).

ITGS126 logic Circuit Design 03 Compulsory ITPH111 +

Introduction to information representation & number systems and codes; Boolean algebra and logic gates; simplification of Boolean functions; Analysis and design of combinational logic circuits; multiplexers; Decoders and adders,; Introduction to synchronous sequential logic; flip flops; Analysis and design of clocked synchronous sequential circuits.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITST211 Introduction to Statistics 03 Compulsory ITMM111 +

Probability: concept of a random experiment and sample space; addition and multiplication laws of probability; conditional probability and independence, Bay's theorem and its application. Random Variables and their probability: Conditional Probability; Binomial , Poisson, Hyperogeomtric, Normal , Gamma , Exponential and uniform random variables and their properties. Basic statistical concepts: Statistical data, measures of central tendency; dispersion skewness and kurtosis.Regression and Correlation: simple, linear regression; regression coefficient and correlation coefficient. Fitting of linear and curve linear regressions, Multiple linear regression and multiple.Test of Significance: Basic concepts; use of normal test and t-test for hypothesis testing for a mean and the differences of two means. Use of X2 distribution for testing independence and goodness of fit

ITGS211 Object Oriented Programmin 03 Compulsory +

This course covers: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, introduces students to object-oriented programming concepts, such as classes, objects, methods, interfaces, packages, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. These concepts are emphasized through extensive programming examples and assignments that require problem solving, algorithm development, top-down design, modular programming, debugging, and testing

ITGS213 Introduction to Software Engineering 03 General ITGS111 +

This course offers an introduction to software engineering. Topics covered: Software Engineering fundamentals; Software processes; Object-oriented concepts and UML; Requirements analysis; System modeling and specification; Software design models; from design to implementation; Software testing; Software tools; Emerging software development methods; Teamwork.

ITGS215 Introduction to Networking 03 General ITGS111 +

Introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of computer communication networks, their protocols (OSI model vs TCP/IP protocol stack), applications, circuit and packet switching access networks. Introduction to Application Layer, topics include: Web, HTTP, FTP, Email, DNS, and socket programming. Introduction to Transport Layer, topics include: UDP, TCP, flow control, congestion control. Introduction to Network Layer, topics include: routing principles, IP routing, IPv4, IPv6, broadcast, multicast, unicast. Introduction to Link Layer and local area networks, topics include: error detection/correction, multiple access protocols, LAN, Ethernet. Basics of physical layer and wireless networking and related Security issues.

ITGS217 Discrete Structures 03 General ITMM122 +

This course include these topics: Number systems: natural numbers, radix r representation of integers, mathematical induction. Logic: propositional logic, predicate logic. Boolean algebra; sets; recursion; relations, and functions. Combinatory: counting principles; permutation groups. Graphs: graphs; diagraphs; trees; Euler's formula and coloring of graphs. Formal machines: automata and regular expressions; register machines: turning machines.

ITGS219 Numerical analysis 03 General ITMM122 +

This course is a programming course; students need to implement all discussed topics by any programming language in class per class fashion.This course include these topics: Introduction to error analysis, root finding methods for non-linear equations (interval halving, false position), Newton’s method, definition of interpolation, Newton’s-Gregory interpolation, central interpolation (Gauss forward and backward, Bessel, Stirling), Least square approximation, Spline curves, Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration (Trapezoidal method, Simpson's), Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Taylor’s series method), Euler method, Runge-Kutta method.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITGS223 Computer Architucture & Organization 03 Compulsory ITGS126 +

System-level aspects of computing systems design, interconnection structures, Cache memory principles; Main memory; External memory; Input/ Output; CPU structure and function; computer arithmetic; instruction sets: characteristics and functions; instruction sets: addressing modes and formats; Control unit operation and design; Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC); Instruction-Level Parallelism and Superscalar Processors.

ITGS220 Data Structure 03 Compulsory ITGS122 +

Classification of data structures, space and time considerations. Linked lists, stacks and queues. Tree structures, binary search trees. Array and pointer based implementations. Recursive applications. Sorting and searching.

ITGS222 Foundation of Information Systems 03 Compulsory ITGS111 +

Information systems are an integral part of all business activities and careers. This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrate how these systems are used throughout global organizations. The focus of this course will be on the key components of information systems - people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies, and how these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Through the knowledge of how IS provides a competitive advantage students will gain an understanding of how information is used in organizations and how IT enables improvement in quality, speed, and agility. This course also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in modern organizations and society.

ITGS224 Information Security 03 Compulsory ITGS111 +

This course introduces students to the basic principles and practices of computer and information security. Focus will be on the software, operating system and network security techniques with detailed analysis of real-world examples. Topics include cryptography, authentication, software and operating system security (e.g., buffer overflow), Internet vulnerability (DoS attacks, viruses/worms, etc.), intrusion detection systems, firewalls, VPN, Web and wireless security.

ITGS226 Introduction to Internet Programming 03 Compulsory ITGS122 +

Introduction into internet and World Wide Web and their protocols, TCP/IP, MIME, http protocols. SGML – documents and their types. Html BASICS. CSS. Basics of Scripting languages programming. Server part of application (ASP, PHP,ASP.Net, or JSP), Web pages and accessing database(ADO and MS Access, or MySql).

ITGS228 Introduction to Databases 03 Compulsory ITGS217 +

This course introduce the fundamentals of database management system characteristics of DB approach, components of DB systems, DB architecture, Data modeling, Database users and administrators. Entity-Relationship model, Relational-Algebra, SQL Programming, Database design, Functional dependency and Normalization, Relational Database, Introduction to Object oriented database and UML, practical applications using a standard Relational DB system.

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITMC311 Mobile Applications Development 03 Compulsory ITGS211 +

Development of native-based and hybrid applications for mobile environments taking advantage of gesture-based input and using location and presence services. Topics include introduction to low-level network services and mobile platforms, description of architectural patterns, principles of mobile development and interaction styles for network service usage. Topics Covered: Multi-threaded application development on iOS and Android; Platform agnostic data representations: XML and JSON; Use of advanced widgets: maps; App state: representation, accessing and updating; App communication mechanisms: services, publish and subscribe and intents; The Reactor pattern.

ITGS301 Design and Analysis algorithms 03 General ITGS220 +

The module introduces formal techniques to support the design and analysis of algorithms, focusing on both the underlying mathematical theory and practical considerations of efficiency. Topics include asymptotic complexity bounds, techniques of analysis, and algorithmic strategies.

ITGS302 Operating System 03 General ITGS223 +

This course deals with all essential concepts of operating systems. Starting with describing role of an operating system in managing different tasks during the processing operation. The course explains the process concept, in particular process description within an OS environment and its scheduling strategies. Also, it covers: memory management, virtual memory, I/O management and disk scheduling, file management. Mutual exclusion and synchronization, deadlock and starvation concepts and algorithms are discussed in details in this course supported with LAB work.

ITMC312 Principles of mobile communication networks 03 Compulsory ITGS215 +

This course gives an introduction to mobile and wireless networks. Designing computer networks to support computer mobility. Mobile network architecture. Wireless technologies and protocols. Wireless LAN standards. Models for indoor and outdoor mobile networks. Systems issues such as performance. Quality of service guarantees, reliability, and security in mobile computing environment. Hardware and access protocols for mobile networks. Mobile application protocols.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITGS303 IT Project Management 03 General +

This course studies how to plan and manage projects at each stage of the software development life cycle. It covers specific techniques of Planning, Organizing, Monitoring, and Adjusting phases of software projects. Topics include technical and managerial skills needed to achieve project goals. A required team project combines technical and managerial techniques of software design and development.

ITGS304 Scientific Writing 03 General +

This course covers topics related to IT. It covers reading, grammatical, writing skills in the context ot IT. It covers topics such as: IT terminology definitions, relative clauses, clauses with: who, what, which, etc. It includes several reading and writing exercises.

ITMC323 Cross-Platform Mobile App Development (Flutter) 03 Compulsory ITMC311 +

Cross mobile app development Flutter Course teaches students how to build mobile applications using a single codebase. You'll learn the basics of the Flutter framework, including widgets, layouts, and navigation, as well as the Dart programming language used to develop Flutter apps. You'll explore Flutter's architecture, including the widget tree and state management, and learn how to create beautiful user interfaces using Flutter's widget system. Additionally, you'll learn how to manage data in your Flutter app using local storage, APIs, and other data sources, and how to integrate your Flutter app with native platform features like camera, sensors, and location services.

ITMC322 Heterogeneous and Mobile Databases 03 Compulsory ITGS228 +

This course extensively discusses multi-database systems (MDBS) and mobile data access systems (MDAS); moreover, it will studies traditional distributed database issues within the framework of MDBSs and MDASs. Topic include: introduction to Mobile Database System; Database System architectures; Distributed Database systems( Query, Transaction, Recovery and Concurrency control, Security) MDBS ( Definition, Issues in MDBS systems, Approaches to MDBS systems, Query Processing, Transaction Processing, Recovery and Concurrency Control, Security); Mobile Data Access systems( Mobility issues, On-demand services, Broadcast services, Transaction, Security). The course balance theory with practice; Students will gain experience working with databases for mobile devices.

ITMC321 Mobile Interaction Design 03 Compulsory ITMC311 +

This course covers a series of advanced topics in of mobile interaction design. Topics covered, Understanding User Behavior (Knowledge and understanding of theoretical frameworks for understanding human behavior), Interacting with mobile Computing Systems (the design and evaluation of interactive mobile systems), and Interacting with Information (Transferable skills: Information gathering and organizing skills, argumentation skills and the ability to synthesis information from multiple sources), theoretical models of movement and perception (e.g. Fitts’ law, Steering law, Hick-Hyman law), and Evaluation of techniques (designing to support information interactions; visual analytics; and evaluating information interaction systems). This project-oriented course and the lab focuses on rapid development tools for building apps on native mobile systems, like the Android, iOS, Windows platform. Introduction to Embedded Mobile Linux.

ITMC313 Mobile Operating System 03 Compulsory ITGS302 +

Introduction to operating systems designed for mobile devices. Topics covered: A comprehensive overview of Mobile operating systems); the opportunities and challenges in designing them; mobile OS architectures( Android, iOS, Windows), mobile OS features (Multitasking, Scheduling, Memory Allocation, File System Interface, Keypad Interface, I/O Interface, Protection and Security , Multimedia) .

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITMC411 Security in mobile computing 03 Compulsory ITGS224 +

This course focuses on aspects of mobile interaction, mobile application, wireless communication that arise in mobile computing. Topics covered: Mobile Interaction ( principles of usability, security, and privacy; Methodologies for evaluating usable security; Security and usability analysis Phishing and Risk; Knowledge-based authentication; Biometric and alternative authentication; Security and privacy; Usable security software design principles; Human- in-the- loop design framework; Security indicators and warnings; Usable security for security administrators ), Mobile Application ( Mobile Platforms, mobile services ), Mobile Communication Systems ( Mobile cellular telephony; Wireless Internet; Mobile ad hoc; Sensor networks. The course will involve a group project focusing on protocols, programming tasks, vulnerabilities, and attacks.

ITMC412 Personal Area Networks 03 Compulsory ITMC312 +

This is a course on the concepts, architecture, design, and performance evaluation of personal area networks protocols and applications. At the conclusion of this course the student will have an understanding of these principles and be capable of implementing network protocols and applications for personal pervasive systems.Topics Covered: Wireless Information devices and wearable computers; PAN applications; PAN issues and challenges; Wireless PAN technology; PAN models and architectures; Wireless Technologies; Wireless LANs; IEEE 802.15, 805.11 standards; Bluetooth technology; Wireless access protocol – WAP; HomeRF protocol; Ad-hoc network protocols; Mobile and wireless networking; PAN middleware and agent architecture; Personal information system.

ITMC413 Social Networking 03 Compulsory ITMC323 +

Introduction to virtual communities overlay networks and social networking. Topics include architectural principles for heterogeneous social networking platforms, trust and reputation as social concepts, agent-based computing, and extraction of trends and patterns from information exchanged between community members. Course requires supervised and unsupervised lab, and intensive programming as a group project and individual assignment.

ITMC414 Networks Programming 03 Compulsory ITGS226 +

Students will learn how to write applications in Java that make use of network programming. This course covers the following topics: Introduction to network programming, Transport Layer Protocols, User Datagram Protocol, Client-Server Model, TCP Sockets, UDP Sockets; SCTP Sockets; Java's input/output system and how it works; Multicast Sockets implementation; client/server implementations; Threads Programming; multi-threaded applications; Multiplexing and De-multiplexing Applications; Implementing Application Protocols; Distributed computing technologies including remote method invocation, plus small project that addresses different departments disciplines.

ITMC500 03 Compulsory ITGS303 +

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITMC421 Fundamentals ubiquitous computing 03 Compulsory ITMC313 +

The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of how computing will be used in the future. It is about moving beyond the traditional desktop computing model, into embedding computing into everyday objects and everyday activities. Topics covered will include the visions of Ubiquitous Computing and some of its applications, Location in Ubiquitous Computing, Context awareness in Ubiquitous Computing, P2P networks systems, Human-computer interaction, Privacy in Ubiquitous Computing.

ITMC422 Cloud Computing 03 Compulsory ITMC323 +

Hands-on introduction to cloud computing and developing mobile applications. Topics include: Cloud computing services and infrastructures (virtualization, datacenter networking, wide-area storage/replication, distributed filesystems); development tools (MapReduce, Hadoop, OpenStack); fundamental tradeoffs and algorithms (CAP theorem, NoSQL systems, Paxos) and applications (big-data analysis, real-time data systems, large-scale webservices); iOS and Android programmingto develop mobile applications with backend storage and computing components running on the cloud (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google AppEngine); Accessing cloud services with mobile devices; Extending mobile app with cloud processing and resources; Extending cloud services with the collective power of mobile devices; Partitioning of service functions between mobile devices and clouds; Data management for mobile cloud; Developing mobile cloud services with GAE proxy and Android.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ITMC404 Principles of Games Developments 03 Elective ITMC323 +

This class is designed to cover a number of topics in game design and programming on mobile platforms. Topics covered: Principle of game design on mobile platforms; UI design and algorithms for designing and implementing games; foundations of game design; practical usage of modern game engines, such as Cocoa2D and Unity; User experience design; Access methods; Use of multimedia. Detailed topics include: Complexity handling, resource efficient programming; Memory leak and abnormality testing; Reusability and separation with MVC.

ITMC403 Parallel and Distributed Computing 03 Elective +

As multi-core machines become more prevalent, different programming paradigms have emerged for harnessing extra processors for betterperformance. This course explores parallel computation (programs that run on more than one core) as well as the related problem of distributed computation (programs that run on more than one). The goal of the course is to introduce students to parallel and distributed processing, including both theory and hands-on experience. Topics covered: An overview of parallel computing; Languages and programming environments; Message-passing computing; Embarrassingly parallel computations; Partitioning and divide-and-conquer strategies; Pipelined computations; Synchronous computations; Load balancing and termination detection; Programming with shared memory; Algorithms and applications.

ITMC402 Mobile Multimedia 03 Elective ITMC311 +

Introduction to the creation, delivery and analysis of multimedia content in systems with mobiledevices. Topics include analysis of webs of documents, social network analysis, recommendersystems and problems of trust, reputation and influence in mobile e-commerce systems. Topics covered:RESTful applications: architecture, JAX-RS, Jersey; Introduction to information retrieval: document structure and similarity; Introduction to (social) network science: types of social network structures and their structural analysis; Creation and analysis of webs of documents: web crawlers, pagerank; Introduction to social network data analysis: tools and simple data mining techniques;Recommender systems; Problems in social networks: trust, reputation, influence and community detection; Introduction to facial and fingerprint recognition; Multimedia content: recognition, transmission and similarity

ITMC401 Mobile 3D Graphics 03 Elective ITMC311 +

The course explores the theory and application software needed for deploying native3D Graphics applications on mobile platforms. The topics covered are: Introduction to Computer Graphics; Graphics Display Devices ; Drawing Based Graphics Primitives ; Transformation of Object - 3D Affine Transformation; Three-Dimensional Viewing ; Tools for Raster Displays ; Scan conversion Algorithms ; Defining and Filling Regions of Pixel; Filling Polygon; Defined Regions; Aliasing: Anti-aliasing Techniques; Creating more Shades and Colors Ray Tracing Algorithm; Virtual camera model optics; Animation; 3D content (file format) is also introduced. It also aims to provide an in depth, practical coverage of two standard application programming interfaces used for mobile 3D graphics, viz., OpenGL-ES-2.0, J2ME-M3G, 3D Studio Max, Ac3d,and Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML).

ITMC304 Mobile Commerce 03 Elective +

This course introduces students to the basics of Mobile Commerce. Topics include: introduction Mobile Commerce (Infrastructure of M–Commerce ; Types of M–Commerce Services ; Technologies of Wireless Business ; Benefits and Limitations, Support, Mobile Marketing and Advertisement; Non – Internet Applications in M–Commerce ; Wireless/Wired Commerce Comparisons); Mobile Commerce: Technology ( A Framework for the study of M–Commerce; NTT Docomo’s I – Mode ; Wireless Devices for M–Commerce; Towards a Classification Framework for Mobile Location Based Services ; Wireless Personal and Local Area Networks ; The Impact of Technology Advances on Strategy Formulation in Mobile Communications Networks); Mobile Commerce: Theory and Practices (The Ecology of M–Commerce; The Wireless Application Protocol ;Mobile Business Services ; Mobile Portal ; Factors Influencing the Adoption of Mobile Gaming Services ; Mobile Data Technologies and Small Business Adoption and Diffusion ; M–Commerce in the Automotive Industry ; Location – Based Services: Criteria for Adoption and Solution Deployment ; The Role of Mobile Advertising in Building a Brand ; M–Commerce Business Models); Business – To – Business Mobile E-Commerce ( Enterprise Enablement ; Email and Messaging ; Field Force Automation (Insurance, Real Estate, Maintenance, Healthcare) ; Field Sales Support (Content Access, Inventory) ; Asset Tracking and Maintenance/Management ; Remote IT Support ; Customer Retention (B2C Services, Financial, Special Deals) ; Warehouse Automation ; Security.

ITMC302 Programming Paradigms 03 Elective ITGS211 +

This course introduces to a variety of programming paradigms, programming languages, and language implementation. Topics include: Object-oriented programming and design; ambient-Oriented Programming; Functional and logical languages; Event-driven programming; Data and demand driven languages; Concurrent programming.

ITMC301 ARM microprocessor 03 Elective ITGS223 +

This course on 32 bit ARM Programming covers in-depth learning of ARM processors, its architecture, Programming for both ARM7 and ARM9 families. Also included are Introduction to GNU tool chain, ARM programming model, Exception handling, Introduction to thumb instruction set, ARM THUMB procedure call standards (ATPCS), ARM optimization techniques, Building RTOS image and porting.