مناقشة رسالة الماجستير في اللغة الانجليزية- قسم اللغة الانجليزية-كلية اللغات للباحث مؤيد أبوشعفة محمد عبد الكريم

ستناقش بعون الله تعالى وقدرته يوم الأربعاء الموافق 10-5-2023م. رسالة الماجستير  المقدمة من الباحث مؤيد أبوشعفة محمد عبد الكريم 

وعنوانها:  Madness of Tragic Heroes in Shakespeare's "King Lear" and Miller's "Death of a Salesman"  

تحت اشراف. أ.د/ منى أحمد الشارف قشوط

لجنة المناقشة

1- أ.د. منى أحمد الشارف قشوط    مشرفا و مقررا

2- د. ابتسام ابراهيم الدريدي          عضوا 

3- أ.د. سالم مدلل محمد                عضوا

الملخصSince madness in tragedy is a common theme, it influenced the course of events in Shakespeare's King Lear and Miller's Death of a Salesman and contributed to the downfall of the two tragic heroes in both plays. The study aims to explore the rationale behind the madness of tragic heroes in  King Lear and  Death of a Salesman, by discussing the shared reasons that affected both tragic heroes. The study examines the theme of tragic heroes' madness by means of qualitative data collection using the descriptive-analytic method. In addition, the epistemological philosophy was the postmodernism approach of the study, where knowledge is constructed by social and historical values. The study also adopts Aristotle's view of inductive reasoning as a theoretical approach.The study found that the madness of the two tragic heroes in each of King Lear and the Death of a Salesman resulted from several reasons. Some of these reasons are common to the two tragic heroes, such as lifestyle, aging, and psychological and mental disorders. In addition, a special reason for the character of Lear, which is the Family disintegration and the disobedience of his two daughters, Regan and Goneril, to him.المكان قاعات المناقشات بكلية اللغاترقم القرار   426
