Master in Sharia

Faculty of Sharia Sciences - tajoura -



This program aims to make the department a leading scientific beacon of excellence in the sciences of Islamic law in general, and the science of jurisprudence and its principles in particular, and to provide the Libyan and Islamic community with superior cadres with a high level of competence and responsibility, capable of highlighting the correct image of Islam and correcting incorrect concepts. And advancing scientific research.

The duration of study in the program is 3 semesters, with 30 study units and 18 research units (Master’s thesis).


- Qualifying a generation of specialists in the science of jurisprudence and its principles to carry it out, develop it, and teach it.

- Promoting the dissemination of the Maliki school of jurisprudence, which represents the national religious identity.

- Striving to raise educational performance in Islamic legal sciences.

- Preparing specialized outputs in Sharia that advance the nation.

- Encouraging forensic scientific research to enrich society and solve its problems by participating in conferences

      And scientific seminars.

- Spreading religious awareness and consolidating Islamic values and concepts calling for moderation in society and resisting fanaticism and extremism.


- Gaining the ability to analyze and discuss

- Gaining the ability to understand jurisprudential provisions and legislative texts

- Gaining the ability to understand the jurisprudential and fundamental rules

- Learn about the history of Islamic law and the stages it passed through

- Acquiring the skill of deducing legal rulings from texts

- Gaining the ability to research and review the most important heritage books

- Acquire the skill of teaching and dealing with students

- Acquire the skill of using English legal terminology

- Acquiring the skill of research, extrapolation, and extracting information from its sources

- Gaining the skill of working in a team spirit and interacting with others

- Using modern technical tools and dealing with computers

Certificate Rewarded

Higher academic certificate (Master’s degree in jurisprudence and its principles)

Entry Reuirements

- The student’s academic grade in the previous stage of this program must not be less than good

- Admission exam with a personal interview

Study Plan

The Master in Sharia prepares students to qualify for Master in Sharia. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 3 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 30 units, which include 0 units of general subjects, and 0 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below: