Department of Sharia

Word Of the Head Department of Sharia

Speech by the Head of the Sharia Department

Praise be to God who created land, created water and earth, and created everything from atoms. Not the weight of an atom on earth or in the sky escapes His knowledge, and the smallest ants do not escape from His sight at night when they travel. (لَهُ مَا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا وَمَا تَحْتَ الثَّرَى * وَإِنْ تَجْهَرْ بِالْقَوْلِ فَإِنَّهُ يَعْلَمُ السِّرَّ وَأَخْفَى) He created (Adam) and his Lord tested him, then chose him and guided him, and sent Noah, who made the ark by God’s command and ran, and Hebron was saved from the fire, and its heat became coolness and peace upon him, so consider what happened, and I bear witness that our master and prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, prayed God bless him The envoy in Umm Al-Qura, as for what follows: 

The knowledge of Islamic law is one of the greatest beneficial sciences for organizing the lives of humanity regardless of its diversity. Because its fruit appears in this house as success, success, and eternal happiness after that.

Therefore, the Sharia Department is considered one of the distinguished academic departments. It seeks to create an academic educational atmosphere for the study of Sharia sciences in accordance with the requirements and demands of the times, and to consolidate the tolerance, moderation, and moderation of Islam.

The department received a large response from multiple nationalities who joined it from inside and outside Libya to study solid forensic science based on solid foundations.

There is no doubt that one of the reasons for achieving this success is the support, care and great interest of the Deanship of the College, along with the combined efforts of the faculty members in the department to support, care and diligently advance this distinguished scientific edifice.

In conclusion, I wish the students of the Sharia Department success and guidance, and that they be advocates of good and protectors of evil. He is Able to do what He wills and is worthy of the answer.

                                                                Head of Sharia Department


The Sharia Department seeks to highlight Islamic jurisprudence based on the Maliki school of thought in a way that combines authenticity and modernity, with an emphasis on knowledge of the principles of rulings and their importance in understanding texts, in addition to knowledge of the machine sciences through which the student understands the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet.


Reviving the jurisprudential and fundamentalist heritage in general, and consolidating the Maliki school of thought in particular, its origins and rulings, and emerging contemporary jurisprudential issues.


- Integration with the rest of the college departments to achieve the mission and goals of the college.

 - Interest in scientific research in the principles of jurisprudence and purposes of Sharia.

 - Preparing specialists and qualifying them to derive rulings and to look into emergencies and developments.

 - Providing various programs in community service.

 - Preparing a qualified jurist to confrontation what is presented to him in terms of information, legal issues, and jurisprudential rulings.

 - Participation in local, regional and international scientific seminars and conferences.


The tasks of the Sharia Department are:

Graduating competent students specializing in jurisprudence and focusing on Maliki jurisprudence and its principles.

Training students to know the principles of scientific research in jurisprudence and its origins in a sober manner.

Organizational Structure for Department of Sharia

Facts about Department of Sharia

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Academic Staff



