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Adel Diyaf, Hesham Baej, Adel Akair, Salem Adeilla, Abdurahman Kraiem (9-2018)
First Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology (CEST-2018), .
Mohamed A. Daw, Abdallah El-bouzedi, and other (9-2018)
Scientific World Journal., 2018(0), pp. 1-11.
KHALED SALEM EMHEMED ETAYEB, Mohaamed Hadi Mohammed Makhlouf (9-2018)
Apple Academic Press, 3(5), pp. 113-131.
T. Erkan (9-2018)
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology., 5(11), pp. 1-30.
سمية مصطفى اللموشي, نجاة محمد محمود, زهرة صالح عمر كشلوط (9-2018)
جامعة مصراته, , الصفحات 1-7.
Wajdi A. Gaddah (8-2018)
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, .
خالد حسين محمد علي (8-2018)
مجلة جامعة سبها البحثة والتطبيقية, 2(16), الصفحات 1-5.
Nuri Awayn (7-2018)
Natural Science, 10(7), pp. 232-246.